Suitable Room Temperature for Babies

Babies are more calm and happy when they are in a room with suitable room temperature. And that’s exactly the same as adults. Think about it, don’t we all feel great if the weather is nice? But what exactly is a suitable room temperature for babies? The quick answer is 20° to 22.2°C (68° and 72°F) for babies but there are more to it. So let’s read on.

Quick Disclaimer: All the information on this post is for your reference only. For professional advices do seek the nearest doctors or relevant professionals near you.

A comfortable baby room with suitable room temperature for babies
A comfortable baby room will need much more than comforting toys!

Why do you need the right room temperature for babies?

First of all, babies are aware if they are comfortable and not. When they are uncomfortable they will cry and keep their little bad temper for a length of time. And of course, it attributes to many causes including hunger, lack of sleep, missing mom & dad, illness, wet diapers etc. And overall, discomfort. So having a right room temperature will help a lot as it sets a good environment for your baby while you tackle other matters.

Then, there is the syndrome Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) which is something really scary to even think about it. It is defined “Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the unexplained death, usually during sleep, of a seemingly healthy baby less than a year old. SIDS is sometimes known as crib death because the infants often die in their cribs.” 1 As a parent we try our best to prevent it from happening. Having the right room temperature definitely sets you on the right direction.

The comfortable room temperature for babies and how to maintain it

As already mentioned in the first paragraph, according to most recommendations, the suitable comfortable temperature range for a baby’s room is between 20° to 22.2°C (68° and 72°F). Not surprisingly, this range is similar for elderlies. While some say for adults it can be slightly lower.

To maintain the preferred room temperature, here are a few suggestions:

  • Use a thermostat to control the air conditioner
  • Use a safe for kids, indoor thermometer alongside with fan and other means of cooling/ heating the room (but you have to do it manually)

Aside from the temperature, what else?

To keep the right temperature and the baby comfortable, here are a few tips on setting the environment right:

  1. Keep good circulations with open doors/ windows
  2. Keep an air circulation fan in the room
  3. Don’t overdress nor underdress your baby, keep the baby appropriately dressed with a small blanket
  4. Keep the baby sleeping upright
  5. Check your baby’s directly to see if him/ her is too hot/ cold

By keeping a suitable room temperature, keeping your baby well dressed & well positioned, your baby will feel comfortable and happy!


  1. Mayo Clinic Staff. (May 20, 2022). Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved May 24, 2022, from
  2. Sleep Advisor. (June 2, 2020). What Is The Ideal Room Temperature for a Baby? 6 Useful Advises And Tips. Sleep Advisor. Retrieved May 23, 2022, from

Written by Louis Ng for Intelligence of Care, May 24, 2022

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